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Welcome, weary webtraveler, to Daybreak Impression, my site collective. Here at Daybreak Impression, you can find information about and links to each of my websites. Why make a site collective you ask? Mostly for my own convenience; this way, if I need to add or change a link, I only have to do it in one place, rather than on every single site. ^^;; Also, it makes it easier for you, the web-viewer, to traverse my various sites. Now, on to the sites! Click on the subject to jump to the description and link of that site. Anime Reviews | Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi | Generator Gawl | RPG | DragonBall | Harem | Personal Site | Samurai Troopers | Blog -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: An Otaku's Guide to Anime I don't know about you, but I always like to do a little research before I purchase a new anime series. There are several things that I look for. Storyline: Is the plot interesting? At Otaku's Guide, I cover all these. My DVD section contains detailed reviews of every anime disk that I own. I also review the various series' as a whole. I am also pleased to have a Dub vs. Sub section, in which I stand the two versions side-by-side and compare their quality. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Angel Heart After receiving a copy of Volume 1 of Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi for my birthday, I began looking for information about the series online. I was disappointed to find that I was unable to locate even one fansite. Due to my recent attatchment to the series, I created Angel Heart, so that other fans may learn about this spiffy series. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Chains of Destiny Upon purchasing the Generator Gawl Perfect Collection, I began searching the web for any and all information about this spiffy series. I was surprised and dismayed to see that there were virtually no fansites dedicated to Generator Gawl. The few that I found had only bare-bones information and hadn't been updated for a long period of time. Now, I couldn't just let that stand. So, I decided to create my own fansite for this totally under appreciated anime title. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Chikara wo Koete Who hasn't enjoyed online role-playing at some time or another? Chikara wo Koete is my online DragonBall(Z/GT) based RPG. Players use a variety of programs such as ICQ, Yahoo!, and MSN IM to act out scenarios with their characters. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DragonBall Densetsu My first love, and still one of my favorite anime titles; DragonBall Densetsu was my first fansite. Granted, it's undergone several revamps, and name changes, but it was DBD that got me interested in website design. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Kitsune Onna's Animated
Harem One day, while surfing the web, I stumbled across an interesting site; Animated Lust (Rated PG!) The Webmistress had come up with a unique idea: Harems, created by fans, with their favorite animated characters in them. I loved the idea, so I had to make one of my own. In my Harem, you will find all my favorite characters, and just why I love them ^n_n^ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Realm of the Fox My personal little site. Here, I've gathered all of my fan works, Winamp skins that I've made, and several other things that I've come up with ^_^ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Samurai no Kokoro Does anyone else remember this series? The English version ran on Cartoon Network as "Ronin Warriors". There was never too much online information about this series; even less about the original Japanese version. With the release of the series on DVD rekindling my love for it, I made Samurai no Kokoro. It will stand as my tribute to this often ignored anime title. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Vulpine Musings One day while I was searching the web, I was lucky enough to stumble across I signed up, and now I use my little blog to rant, and just babble on about whatever is currently running through my head. Check it out for a laugh ^^ |