Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some common questions I receive. If you have a question, please read
this FAQ first. Thanks!
Why is there unlinked text in your navigation section?
I put it there so that you will know what's coming, and for my own personal reference (so
I'll remember what I still have to post)
Can I post your fan art/fan fiction on my site?
I'm flattered that anyone would ask. ^_^ If you wish to post anything that I
wrote/drew on your site, please email me and tell me what you wish to use and your site's
URL. If you post my material, please give me credit for it. Also, you MUST
copy it to your own hard drive!! If I catch anyone linking
directly to anything on my site, there's gonna be hell to pay.
Can I use your information (ie - Episode/Movie summaries, etc) on
my site?
Absolutely not. I worked long and hard writing these summaries. If you want to
have this type of thing for your site, you'll have to write it yourself.
There is an error on your site....
If you spot an error on my site, please tell me about it and I'll fix it.
Can I link to you?
Of course! The more hits I get to this site, the better >^..^< If
you'll email me and tell me your URL, I can link back to you.
Can you link to me?
As long as your site is (preferably) anime related, and is decently made, then yes.
By this, I mean that I will not link to sites that are barely up; you need to have a
decent amount up and running. Also, it must be clean. I will not
link to hentai sites.
What do you use to write your html?
I use Microsoft FrontPage98 to generate my website.
What program do you use to edit your images?
I use Micrografx Picture Publisher 8.
How do you make Winamp skins?
The way that I make them is fairly simple. I use Skinner to put the image
into skin format and save it as a .zip file. Then, I extract all the files and tweak
them as necessary using Micrografx Picture Publisher. I'm not good enough at it to
make them from scratch, yet. ^^;;
Do you know how to make screencaps?
I make all my screencaps using my DVDROM. I play my DVDs with WinDVD, which has a
capture feature. (Just press 'P' while watching) Otherwise, if you hit
Ctrl+PrintScrn, you can capture whatever is on your screen at the moment.
Can you email me [insert item here]?
Absolutely not. I have enough to do without trying to send files to people
I don't even know.
Could you explain...[insert anime question]?
Sorry, but no. If it's not in the information posted on the appropriate
series mini-shrine, then I simply don't know.
Why don't you have any image galleries?
For the simple reason that they take up entirely too much space. Plus, they
get to be a real pain to keep-up =P
Where can I download full-episodes of [insert title here]?
I think sites offering full-episodes of series that have already been released on
DVD here in the States are horrible. I most cenrtainly won't tell you how to find
any. |