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Japanese Vocabulary
Note: I don't speak Japanese, so I cannot guarantee that these are totally correct, although I'm pretty sure they are. If the list needs any corrections, email me.
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Japanese Term - English Translation
Aishiteru I love you (Domou) arigatou (gozaimasu) Thank you (very much); adding gozaimasu makes it more formal Daijou-bu I/he/she/it is all right Dewa ashita Until tomorrow (See you tomorrow) Douitashimashite - You're welcome (It's nothing) Dozo yoroshiku - Pleased to meet you Genki desu I am (in) good (spirits) Gomen (nasai) Im (very) sorry Hajimemashite - Hello (when first meeting someone) Ja matta See you later (informal) Ja ne See you later (informal) Konban wa Good evening Konnichiwa Good afternoon Moshi moshi Hello (on the phone) Nihongo ga sukoshii hanasemasu I can speak a little Japanese Ogenki desu ka How are you (Lit. Are you in good spirits) Ohayou (gozaimasu) Good morning (adding gozaimasu makes it more polite) Okaeri (nasai) Welcome home Sayonara Farewell (more formal) Suki desu I like you Sumimasen Forgive me; Pardon me (said when entering a shop, or when getting someones attention) Tadaima Im home Wakarimasen I dont understand Watashi wa _____ desu I am _______ Watashi wa ____ sai I am ____ years old Yatta I/you/he/she did it! Youkoso Welcome
* = Honorific; drop the first o to make it casual; ending of san can be changed to chan, sama, etc Boku I (slightly masculine) Chichi Father (when referring to your own) Haha Mother (when referring to your own) Hime - Princess Imoutosan Younger sister Jou - Queen Kami(-sama) God kenkaku Swordsman kodomo - Child Megami(-sama) - Goddess Minna(-san) - Everyone *Obaasan Grandmother; also, a term used to address an older woman *Obasan Aunt *Obocchan - Son *Ojiisan Grandfather; also, a term used to address an older man *Ojisan Uncle *Ojousan - Daughter *Okaasan Mother (when addressing your own or talking about someone elses) *Oneesan Older sister *Oniisan Older brother onna Woman Ore I (very masculine) otoko Man otome Maiden *Otousan Father (when addressing your own or talking about someone elses) *Otoutosan Younger brother Ou - King Ouji - Prince Sessha I (very humble); this unworthy one Shishou Master (in a martial arts sense) shoujo Young woman shounen Young man tomodachi Friend(s) Watashi I (slightly feminine)
Suisei - Mercury Kinsei - Venus Chikyuu - Earth Kasei - Mars Mouksei - Jupiter Dosei - Saturn Tennousei - Uranus Kaiousei - Neptune Meiousei - Pluto
Nichiyoubi - Sunday Getsuyoubi - Monday Kayoubi - Tuesday Suiyoubi - Wednesday Mokuyoubi - Thursday Kinyoubi - Friday Doyoubi - Saturday Ichigatsu - January Nigatsu - February Sangatsu - March Shigatsu - April Gogatsu - May Rokugatsu - June Shichigatsu - July Hachigatsu - August Kugatsu - September Jugatsu - October Juichigatsu - November Junigatsu - December Ashita - Tomorrow
-chan Indicates affection; used on young children, among female friends, and sometimes between people in love -kun Mr; used toward those who are the same age, or of
equal station as yourself; somewhat masculine -san Mr/Mrs; used toward those who are older, or of a higher station than yourself -sei - In some series, -sei is included to identify a planet (i.e. Namek-sei) -sensei Teacher, instructor
kame - Turtle kitsune Fox neko Cat ookami Wolf ryuu - Dragon usagi - Rabbit
akai Red aoi Blue midori Green shiroi White
ichi - One ni - Two san - Three yon/shi - Four go - Five roku - Six nana/shichi - Seven hachi - Eight ku - Nine juu - Ten juu(number) 10 + (number) (Thus, juunana à juu (10) + nana (7) = 17) (number)juu 10 x (number) (Thus, hachijuu à juu (10) x hachi (8) = 80) hyaku 100 (number)hyaku 100 x (number) (Thus gohyaku à hyaku (100) x go (5) = 500)
ai Love aku Evil, bad arashi Storm baka Stupid, foolish bara Rose bishoujo - lit. 'beautiful girl'; in anime it means any really good looking girl bishounen - lit. 'beautiful boy'; in anime, it means any really good looking guy chibi Small; runt chikara Power, strength chizu Map demo But densetsu Legend, legendary geta Old-fashioned sandals gi Old-fashioned loose shirt, often with long sleeves; usually worn by men ginga Galaxy gozaru A form of to be hai Yes hakama Old-fashioned wide-legged pants; usually worn by men hanasemasu To speak hikari Light himitsu Secret hitomi Eye(s) honou Flames, fire ichiban No. 1, best, first iie No inori Prayer katana Full-length Japanese sword kawaii Cute, adorable kaze Wind ken Sword kenjutsu Swordsmanship ki Life force kibou Hope kimochi Feelings kitto Surely kodachi Short sword similar to a wakizashi koi Love kokoro Heart mirai Future mizu Water namida Tear(s) nani - What niji Rainbow no Shows possession (ex: Himura no ken = Himuras sword) obi Sash that is tied around the waist when wearing a kimono onegai shimasu Please otaku - Obsessed fan; enthusiast (when used to refer to anime) saikyou Strongest senshi Soldier, warrior sobakasu Freckles sora Sky sugoi Cool (in the slang tense), impressive sukoshii A little tabi Journey tamashii Spirit, soul tenshi Angel tsuki Moon tsuyoi Strong umi Ocean, sea unmei Fate, destiny utsukushii Beautiful wakizashi Short sword that was usually worn with a katana yakusoku Promise yami Darkness yoake Dawn yume Dream |